
This is a Repo of my SQL Query Practice each day one interview question!👩‍💻

30-Day SQL Query Challenge

Welcome to my 30-Day SQL Query Challenge repository! 🚀


This repository is dedicated to the 30-Day SQL Query Challenge. Over the next 30 days, I will be completing a SQL query challenge each day to enhance my SQL skills and explore data intricacies.

Challenge Details

  • I will be posting a new SQL query challenge daily for the next 30 days.
  • Each challenge will focus on different aspects of SQL and data analysis.

How to Use

  • Explore the daily challenges in the respective directories.
  • Solutions to each challenge will be provided in SQL format.
  • Feel free to follow along, learn, and collaborate on the solutions.


  • Connect with me on LinkedIn: Romi Gupta
  • Follow me on GitHub for more updates and projects.

Let's dive into the world of SQL and unravel the data mysteries together! 💻 #SQL #DataAnalysis #ChallengeAccepted 🌟