A 2 player poker bot who learns hand values based off playing against itself.
Written for CSC 370: Artificial Intelligence
All probabilities for specific hand strengths are saved in results/ for the different parts of the game
Currently, only a very simple betting policy is in place:
if below .3 probability, check or fold
if below .6 probability, check or call
if above .6 probability, bet
A more remarkable policy would be a future consideration
./bot.py (logic beyond bot making an action)
./card.py (basic card object for inserting into a deck)
./game.py (main game logic. allows for playing through the game)
./setup.py (logic behind setting up the bot and its data)
./main.py (actual texas hold'em game)
Currently, bet doesn't have any money attached to it
Bugs: Hand strength needs to be rewritten for all types of hands to better incorporate the idea of "almost a flush" and "almost a straight" as it might not actually match any of the other currently defined hand strengths and just be considered a "card high" which isn't exactly accurate. Additionally, a seperate case has to be written for pocket as there's a lot of variance in the two hands based on how high the two cards are, suit, etc. which the current code doesn't really account for. Look into what makes a hand strong or weak.
Final Report: A final report for the project is contained within the upload and can be seen at ./FINALREPORT.pdf