
Batch processing library for Golang.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status PkgGoDev License: MIT

How GoBatch Works

GoBatch is a flexible and efficient batch processing library for Go, designed to streamline the processing of large volumes of data. It provides a framework for batch processing while allowing users to define their own data sources and processing logic.

NOTE: GoBatch is considered a version 0 release and is in an unstable state. Compatibility may be broken at any time on the master branch. If you need a stable release, wait for version 1.

Core Components

  1. Source: An interface implemented by the user to define where data comes from (e.g. a channel, database, API, or file system).
  2. Processor: An interface implemented by the user to define how batches of data should be processed.
  3. Batch: The central structure provided by GoBatch that manages the batch processing pipeline.

The Batch Processing Pipeline

  1. Data Reading:

    • The Source implementation reads data from its origin.
    • Data items are sent to the Batch structure via channels in a PipelineStage.
  2. Batching:

    • The Batch structure queues incoming items.
    • It determines when to form a batch based on configured criteria (time elapsed, number of items, etc.).
  3. Processing:

    • When a batch is ready, Batch sends it to the Processor implementation.
    • The Processor performs the user-defined operations on the batch.
  4. Result Handling:

    • Processed results and any errors are managed by the Batch structure.

Typical Use Cases

GoBatch be applied to a lot of scenarios where processing items in batches is beneficial. Some potential use-cases include:

  • Database Operations: Optimize database inserts, updates, or reads by batching operations.
  • Log Processing: Efficiently process log entries in batches for analysis or storage.
  • File Processing: Process large files in manageable chunks.
  • Cache Updates: Reduce network overhead by batching cache update operations.
  • Message Queue Consumption: Efficiently process messages from queues in batches.
  • Bulk Data Validation: Validate large datasets in parallel batches.

By batching operations, you can reduce network overhead, optimize resource utilization, and improve overall system performance.


To download, run

go get github.com/MasterOfBinary/gobatch


  • Go 1.7 or later

Key Components

  • Batch: The main struct that manages the batch processing.
  • Source: An interface for providing data to be processed.
  • Processor: An interface for processing batches of data.
  • Config: An interface for providing configuration values.
  • Item: A struct representing a single item in the processing pipeline. Each Item has a unique ID for traceability.
  • PipelineStage: A struct containing input and output channels for a single stage of the batch pipeline.

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example of how to use GoBatch:

package main

import (


// MyProcessor is a Processor that prints items in batches.
type MyProcessor struct{}

// Process prints a batch of items.
func (p *MyProcessor) Process(_ context.Context, ps *batch.PipelineStage) {
	defer ps.Close()

	for range ps.Input {
		// Process the data here...

func main() {
	config := batch.NewConstantConfig(&batch.ConfigValues{
		MinItems: 50,
		MaxItems: 200,
		MinTime:  100 * time.Millisecond,
		MaxTime:  500 * time.Millisecond,

	batchProcessor := batch.New(config)

	// Use the provided Channel source
	ch := make(chan interface{})
	s := &source.Channel{Input: ch}

	processor := &MyProcessor{}

	ctx := context.Background()
	errs := batchProcessor.Go(ctx, s, processor)

	// Handle errors
	go func() {
		for err := range errs {
			if srcErr, ok := err.(*batch.SourceError); ok {
				log.Printf("Source error: %v", srcErr.Original())
			} else if procErr, ok := err.(*batch.ProcessorError); ok {
				log.Printf("Processor error: %v", procErr.Original())
			} else {
				log.Printf("Error: %v", err)

	// Simulate data input
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
			ch <- i

	// Wait for completion
	fmt.Println("Batch processing completed")


The Config interface allows for flexible configuration of the batch processing behavior. You can use the provided ConstantConfig for static configuration, or implement your own Config for dynamic behaviour.

Configuration options include:

  • MinItems: Minimum number of items to process in a batch.
  • MaxItems: Maximum number of items to process in a batch.
  • MinTime: Minimum time to wait before processing a batch.
  • MaxTime: Maximum time to wait before processing a batch.

The configuration is automatically adjusted to keep it consistent:

  • If MinItems is greater than MaxItems, MaxItems will be set to MinItems.
  • If MinTime is greater than MaxTime, MaxTime will be set to MinTime.
config := batch.NewConstantConfig(&batch.ConfigValues{
    MinItems:    10,
    MaxItems:    100,
    MinTime:     50 * time.Millisecond,
    MaxTime:     500 * time.Millisecond,

batchProcessor := batch.New(config)

Error Handling

Errors from both the Source and Processor are returned on the error channel provided by the Go method. These errors are wrapped in SourceError and ProcessorError types respectively. You can use type assertions to determine the origin of the error.

Utility Functions

  • NextItem: Helper function for implementing Source.Read.
  • IgnoreErrors: Utility for discarding errors if they're not needed.


See the pkg.go.dev docs for documentation and an example.


The package includes a comprehensive test suite. Run the tests with:

go test github.com/MasterOfBinary/gobatch/...


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.