
Word42pass (Word for to pass) is a tool to generate a readable and pronounceable password.

Primary LanguagePython


Why Word42pass ?

Word42pass (Word for to pass) is a tool to generate a readable and pronounceable password. It is annoying to remember a 12 character password with capital letters, special characters. and very often, it's impossible to remember, because the password was generated with letters bet randomly, to piss you off. Word42pass generate a password like: igupayuri is better than hbhdvjez. better to remember.

ok.. but why Word42pass ??

Word : word

4: for

2: to

Pass: pass

And 42 is the answer to "the big question about life, the universe and the rest"

Pimp my word !

You can PIMP!! your word with 3 parameters.

  1. Len of your word. For once, size matters. Ex: python3 word42pass.py 8 Ouput: igupayuri
  2. (Optional option) Change any alphabet word with a special chars or a number with a json format. Ex: python3 word42pass.py 8 '{"a":"@", "i":1}' Output: 1gup@yur1
  3. (Optional option) Randomize upper case in your word with rand params. Ex: python3 word42pass.py 8 rand Output: iGUpaYuRi