
Diagnostic utility to check the connection status between a host and the broker MQTT. (mirror from gitlab)

Primary LanguageLua

Mqtt ping utility

Mqtt-ping is a diagnostic utility to check the connection status between a host and the broker MQTT.

Author: Díaz Devera Víctor Diex Gamar (Máster Vitronic)

Lua logo



Clone this repository.

git clone https://gitlab.com/vitronic/mqtt-ping.git


vitronic [~/Proyectos/Lua]$ cd mqtt-ping/
vitronic [~/Proyectos/Lua/mqtt-ping]$ chmod +x mqttping
vitronic [~/Proyectos/Lua/mqtt-ping]$ ./mqttping -c 5 broker.hivemq.com
Connected to broker.hivemq.com
Sending 5 requests to broker.hivemq.com
pong from broker.hivemq.com time=0.664 ms seq=1
pong from broker.hivemq.com time=0.471 ms seq=2
pong from broker.hivemq.com time=0.521 ms seq=3
pong from broker.hivemq.com time=0.467 ms seq=4
pong from broker.hivemq.com time=0.472 ms seq=5

--- broker.hivemq.com ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 7.811 ms


  • [] Statistics of the averages
  • [] Making the luarocks package
  • [] Suport to SSl/TLS


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
