
Controllable Heliotrope video

Primary LanguageMatlab


UCL Computational Photography and Capture - Heliotrope Lab

Folder structure

  • Place optical flow data in data/{dataset_name}_flows.mat
    • For example data/gabe_flows.mat or data/trump_flows.mat
    • You can download the Trump optical flow data from Dropbox (1.83 GB)
  • Image sequence should be in the folder data/{dataset_name}
    • E.g. data/gabe/ or data/trump/


  • Run heliotrope
    • Edit the variable dataset in heliotrope.m if you wish to change the dataset
  • Enter your desired starting image, or use the default recommended one by just pressing Enter
  • Draw as many line segments as you want
  • Backspace to delete previous point
  • Double-click your final point to end selection
  • Wait a minute...

TIP: Use the tip of the nose as starting point to deliver best results.


3 video figures will appear:

  • Slow motion interpolation of trajectory-based cost
  • No interpolation - Without trajectory cost
  • No interpolation - With trajectory cost

Adjustable parameters

  • Inside src/best_path.m you can edit alpha to modify the weighting of the trajectory cost.

Generate optical flow

  • Run generate_flow