Primary LanguagePython


Name Mapping Resolution Verification System for SEANet

  • All right reserved by 3NMedia.


This project is made for verifying the NMR system

How to use

  • Firstly, you should install python3(ver>3.6). Then run the following command,
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip3 install -r requirement.txt

1. controller.py

# start the script:
$ python3 controller.py

# start some nodes you can tap in : 
start Node_1 Node_2 / start 1 2 / start 1-4

# kill some nodes you can tap in: 
kill Node_3 Node198 Node4 / kill 3 4 / kill 5-7

# stop some nodes you can tap in: 
stop Node_1 Node_2 / stop 1 2 3 4 / stop 1-4

# handle simulation nodes you can tap in:
s start Node_1 Node_2 / s start 1-2 / simulation stop 1-4

# If you have done all the control, input 'exit' or press the 'enter' button to stop the input process

2. delay_gen.py

# start the script:
$ python3 delay_gen.py

# For example, create delay of two nodes you can tap in : 
Node_1 Node_2 <delay> or 1 2 <delay>

# Create delay of Simulation nodes, you can tap in:
s <Node_ID> <Node_level> <delay_l1> <delay_l2> <delay_l3>

# Create p2p delay of Simulation nodes, you can tap in:
s s <ID1-ID2> <delay>

# The first letter 's' can be replaced by 'S' or "simulation", Node_ID can be replaced by just ID(number)
# delay_l1~delay_l3 is the common delay of level1~3 nodes, these three parameter can be omitted, default is [100,50,10].

3. topologyCollector.py

# Before starting topology listening, you need to start mysql and create the "NMRVS" table in the database

# Run topo collector to collect topology information:

$ python3 topoCollector.py

4. topoShow.py

# Build the topology with the data in the current database and generate HTML files for presentation

# Run the following command:

$ python3 topoShow.py

# Open the generated HTML file to check the result

5. client.py

# The Simulated client write in Python.
# Used to send various UDP packets to the parsing node to verify the SEANet Resolution System.

# Run the following command:

$ python3 client.py -i <IP> -p <port> <...args...>

# You can use client_gui.py to open a web page in browser to send packets easily.

$ python3 client_gui.py
  • 参数设定:

    -h : Open the help document (optional)

    -i : Destination IP address to be sent. (support IPv4 and IPv6) (mandatory)

    -p : Destination port number,default is10061,this is the Level1 listening port of ResNode (mandatory)

    -c : Convenient operation instruction which includes:

     register msg: 'r'
     register msg cid version: 'rcid'
     register msg cuckoo-filter version: 'rcc'
     deregister msg: 'd' 
     deregister msg cid version: 'dcid' 
     deregister msg cuckoo-filter version: 'dcc' 
     batch deregister: 'bd'
     resolve msg: 'eid', (default eid: "b"*40)
     resolve msg cid version: 'ecid', (default cid: "c"*64)
     resolve msg cuckoo-filter version: 'qcc', (default eid: "b"*40)
     tlv resolve msg: 'tlv', (default eid: "0"*40, default tlv: "010101020102")
     rnl request: 'rnl', to get RNL from a ResNode
     connect to agent: 'agent', Connect to the access agent to get RNL and other information.
     delay measure msg: 'dm', Tests the delay from the client to the resolution node
     user defined msg: 'custom' (default),This parameter is usually used with the -m < MSG > parameter 

    -m : Enter the USER-DEFINED UDP payload of the complete packet

    -n : Number of packets to be sent. The default value is 1. When 'n < 0', Client run in continuously mode.

    -s : Set speed of packet sending (pps),default: no limitneed-n=-1 and --force args

    --force : Sends a packet forcibly without waiting for response,usually combine with -n

    --detail : Parses returned packets and displays to users in a more detailed and clear manner.

    -er : Send the user-defined EID registration packet. TLV is optional, example: -er <EID+NA> <tlv>

    -ecr : Send the user-defined EID+CID register packet. TLV is optional, example:-ecr <EID+CID+NA> <tlv>

    -eq : Send the user-defined EID query packet, example:-eq <EID>

    -tq : Send the user-defined tag query packet, example:-tq <tlv>

    -ecq : Send the user-defined EID+CID query packet, there are two args. queryType_{0:EID->IP 1:EID->CID 2:CID->IP 3:EID+CID->IP 4:tag->EID+CID+IP, 5:CID->EID}. Example: -ecq <queryType> <EID>/<CID>/<TAG>

    -ed : Send the user-defined EID deregister packet. example: -ed <EID + NA>

    -ecd : Send the user-defined EID+CID deregister packet, example: -ecd <EID+CID+NA>

    -ebd : Send the user-defined EID batch deregister packet, example: -ebd <NA>

    -ecbd : Send the user-defined EID+CID batch deregister packet, example:-ebcd <NA>

    -ccr : Send the user-defined CuckooRegister from self defined URI and NA, use: -ccr <uri ip>

    -ccd : Send the user-defined CuckooDeregister from self defined URI and NA, use: -ccd <uri ip>

    -ccq : Send the user-defined CuckooQuery from self defined URI, use: -ccq <uri>

    --seq : Send a series of packets with EID from 0 to n. need to use with-nparameteronly has effect in register.

    --seqc : Send a series of packets with CID from 0 to n. need to use with -nparameteronly has effect in register,Can be used with --seq.

    --seqT : Send a series of packets with random TAG. need to use with -nparameteronly has effect in register

    --seqt : Send a series of packets with fixed TAG.(010101020102), need to use with -nparameteronly has effect in register

    --ranReqID : Use random request ID.

    --ranAll : Use random possible fields(EID, CID, NA, ReqID, TLV, ...) when sending multiple message.

    -uh : Calculate SEAHash of custom defined URI to EID. Not sending messages.

6. pktAnalyzer.py

# This command is used to analyze captured PCAP files and view information about parsed packets, such as delay and timeout number.

# Run the following command:

$ python3 pktAnalyzer.py test.pcap <e/cc>
  • e: EID mode
  • cc: CuckooFilter mode
  • default(without param 2): CID mode
  • The time delay trend reference chart can be viewed in the generated 'len_delay.html' and the number of horizontal marks can be modified in the 'conf.yml' configuration file