
Convert Clerk notebooks to PPTX slideshows

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


Convert Clerk notebooks to PPTX slideshows

--- alpha release ---

Plugsocket was created due to the need to create a static version of a Clerk notebook that can be used and edited by non-programmers.


A "presentation" is a sequence of vectors each representing a slide.

Each slide is then a vector made up of zero or more maps, each map representing an object on the slide.

Currently there are four types of objects that can be placed on a slide:

  • Text box
  • Vega-Lite chart
  • Image
  • Table

Example presentation with two slides

(def presentation
 ["a presentation"
    ["slide 1"
        {"object 1"
         :slide-fn :text-box
         :text "foo bar"
         :x 50 :y 10
         :width (- 1920 100)
         :bold? true
         :font-size 120.0}
        {"object 2"
         :slide-fn :picture-box
         :image "https://www.mastodonc.com/wp-content/themes/MastodonC-2018/dist/images/logo_mastodonc.png"
         :height (partial * 4)}]
    ["slide 2"
        "an empty slide"]


Firstly a sequence of objects and slides should be built (see example above).

All slide functions accept a map and require, as a minimum, what will be displayed on the slide.

  • For a text box a string
  • For a Vega-Lite chart a standard vega view description map (see example)
  • For an image a filepath or a URL
  • For a table a tablecloth dataset

All slide functions can also take :x and :y parameters for placement of associated box on a slide and most also take :height and :width. All other parameters have defaults but can be adjusted with additional keys (see individual "box" functions for options).

Your slides can be then passed to create-powerpoint which will make a PowerPoint presentation, that can then be further edited or saved to pptx using save-powerpoint!.