
Witan's gateway for CQRS (experimental)

Primary LanguageClojure


Gateway/BFF for the Kixi infrastructure (aka Witan). Uses CQRS. Here be dragons. Ones with fire.


lein uberjar
java -jar target/witan.gateway-standalone.jar


You will need AWS credentials in a file called 'aws-variables.env' alonside docker-compose.yml. There is a helper script in the scripts directory to duplicate AWS credentials from .aws/credentials into a correctly-formatted file.

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

To add some user data, you should check out the kixi.heimdall project and run

lein seed development

Command Partition Keys

All commands must specify a partition key, these are defined in the command-key->partition-key-fn map in the handler namespace. An exception is thrown if one is not provided for a command key, this is intended to force you to consider this aspect of any new command.

Partition keys are used by the event stream to ensure that messages for a given resource (file metadata, schema, etc) are delivered in order. Without the partition key being used for, say, adding and removing a user from the shares of a files metadata, the remove could be processed before the add. The parition key ensures the two messages are on the same shard or partition of the event stream and therefore should be processed in order by the back end services.



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