
Music App

This is a full-stack music application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js).

Client (Frontend)

The frontend is developed using Create React App. Make sure you have Node.js installed (version 16.20.2 is recommended) or any node 16 version. You can use NVM (Node Version Manager) to manage your Node.js versions. after cloning or downloading the project

  1. go to music-library-app directory

     cd music-library-app
     cd client
  2. Install dependencies:

     npm install
  3. Start the client:

     npm start

The client will run on the default port 3000.

##Server (Backend) The backend is built with Node.js and Express.js. MongoDB is used as the database.

Install MongoDB if not already installed.

after cloning or downloading the project

  1. go to music-library-app directory

     cd music-library-app
     cd client
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the server:

     npm start

The server will run on port 3001 by default. You can customize the ports as needed.

we have provided postmans request collections export file in server > utils folder, if you want you can import it and test apis form your end!

Feel free to adjust the project configuration according to your preferences.

Note: Ensure both the client and server are running concurrently for the full application functionality.