Collection of data structures, algorithms and other puzzles:
BST with predecessor and successor access in constant time
RB tree (rebalancing is done through a constant number of node rotations, contrary to AVL trees)
Heap and heap sort. Merge sort
Radix tree implementation with insertion, deletion, search and auto-completion functionality based on the Damerau-Levenshtein distance
Segment tree for logarithmic minimum retrieval in 1D range
Regular segment tree for stabbing queries in logarithmic time
Minimum Range Query in constant time after a preprocessing step in linear time
Knuth–Morris–Pratt string searching algorithm
Quick select (finds the kth minimum element in average linear time)
Lowest Common Ancestor in constant time after a preprocessing step in linear time
Egg-breaking problem, Hanoi tower, Skyline problem, WordLadder, maximum contiguous sum/product, closest contiguous sum to target...