Notion Page Downloader

What can users do ?

  • Run on a personal computer : Download a Notion page as a HTML file.
  • Run on the cloud : Host a static version of a Notion page on Netlify.

How does this work ?

This small application uses the following three of my projects.


View example page on Netlify Netlify Status

Also, you can take a look at public/index.html.

Usage : Run on a personal computer

  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone
  2. Go into the repository.

    cd notion-page-downloader
  3. If you use npm

    npm install

    Or, if you use pnpm

    pnpm install
  4. Run setup script.

    npm run setup
  5. Edit the notionPageURL field of config.json.

  6. If the Notion page is private, you need to fill in your token in config.json. Follow this guide to obtain your token.

  7. Download the page as public/index.html.

    npm run start

Usage : Run on the cloud

  1. Deploy to Netlify
  • To update the static page on Netlify, go to Deploys tab, trigger deploy.


  • Private Notion pages can't be deployed. (Technically, it's possible, but giving your Notion login token to the cloud is dangerous. A Notion token is so powerful that anyone or any machine with it can control your Notion account.)

Supported Blocks

Please view the list here.

Upgrade from Previous Versions

  1. Delete node_modules/ and package_lock.json.
  2. Run npm install or pnpm install.