
Random Space calculation into a more concrete format

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I always been fascinated about Space exploration and everything around it. Often I just run the calculation on my side and do nothign about it. But Instead I wanted to improve my Node, React, svg skills so why not build it. "Currently" working here .

How to run?

Locally: Go in the 2 folder and run the server and then the front end. In each folder run:

  • $ npm install
  • $ npm start

To deploy on a AWS server you need to build it so look at AWS_setup.txt

Server side: "SpaceServer"

The server side contain all the mathematical calculation for probability. The front-end send a list of requirement like:

    cargo: {
      initial: 500,     --> Empty crew capacity (t)
      current: 300,     --> Current cargo weight (t)
      final: 300,       --> Full crew capacity (t)
      tonsPerPerson: 2  --> Cargo weight reduction per new passenger
    persIncreasePertrip: 5,   --> Each new sequence how many cargo to people get modified
    maxPersPerShip: 100,      --> ITS maximum capacity
    "engineMalfunction":0.01, --> Chance that each engine break every time we start it
    "refuilingDefect":0.02,   --> Chance that refueling (land or space) cause defect
    "landingFaillure":0.05,   --> Chance to crash
    "reusabilityOfShip":5,    --> Nbr of time a ITS can be reused
    "improvement":0.05,       --> Reducing the failure by x% 2% * (1-5%)
    "firstStageEngine":42,    --> Nbr of engine used to exit air
    "itsEngine":9,            --> Nbr of engine in the ITS
    "touristRatio":0.3,       --> Nbr of tourist that return on each trip (after 2 year).
    "orbitRefulling":4,       --> Nbr of refueling needed in space.
    "probIncreaseProdOfIts":0.2,  --> Chance we can produce more ship per year
    "itsIncreaseOf":1,    --> Quantity increase if we produce more
    "maxPop":1000000,     --> Population to reach
    "years":100           --> Nbr of time to run the experiment (max Years or Pop)

Then the server crunch the data and send back a array of every years calculated by recursion. Path options:

  • get "/" = Exemple
  • get "/param" = List of the initial param.
  • post "/results" = Run the calculation.

Application: "spaceReactRender"

UI to allow you to control the data and make experiment and to see the analytics of it and also compare a run to a previous one.

Not considered

Some aspect are not considered in the model that can be added easily in the recursion like:

  • Normal population growth (baby)
  • Accidental death
  • Normal death (age, diseases, radiation, Predator ;)