
Simple command line implementation of caesar cipher.

Primary LanguageC

Caesar cipher command line implementation


Simple encryption (without dictionary)

$ echo "This is the usage" | caesar 12
Ftue ue ftq gemsq

$ echo "Ftue ue ftq gemsq" | caesar -12
This is the usage

Dictionary encryption

$ echo "This is the usage" | caesar 12 "More Advanced Tutorial"
ahTs Ts chM nsAgM

$ echo "ahTs Ts chM nsAgM" | caesar -12 "More Advanced Tutorial"
This is the usage

Mixing everything up!

$ echo "This is the usage" | ./caesar 16 "Dictionary" | ./caesar 22 | ./caesar 3 "super"

Pdro ro uda qokca

$ echo "Pdro ro uda qokca" | ./caesar -3 "super" | ./caesar -22 | ./caesar -16 "Dictionary"
This is the usage

Interactive binary

$ make caesar-interactive
gcc -o caesarinteractive caesarinteractive.c caesar.c caesar.h
$ caesarinteractive
Specify the data: This is a phrase! Even with ÚTF-8
Specify the key (negative for reverse): 10
Using 10 as the key
Transformed data:

Drsc sc k zrbkco! Ofox gsdr ÚDP-8

$ caesarinteractive
Specify the data: Drsc sc k zrbkco! Ofox gsdr ÚDP-8
Specify the key (negative for reverse): -10
Using -10 as the key
Transformed data:

This is a phrase! Even with ÚTF-8