
An unofficial repository of civil service jargon

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Civil service jargon

An unofficial repository of civil service jargon.


Lookup an acronym

Use https://matmoore.github.io/jargon/{ACRONYM}/

For example: curl https://matmoore.github.io/jargon/CO/

  "CO": [
      "definition": "Cabinet Office",
      "uri": "government-organisation:D2"
      "definition": "clerical officer"
  "_links": [
      "name": "government-organisation",
      "href": "https://government-organisation.register.gov.uk/records/{rel}",
      "templated": true

Get all the acronyms

curl https://matmoore.github.io/jargon/

(the structure of this response may change without notice)

CSV Data

See the data directory for more details about the data returned by the API. You can also download the data in CSV format.



Previewing the API locally

First run bundle exec rake build from the root of the project, then navigate to the build directory.

You can preview the JSON in the browser by running python -m http.server 8080 and browsing to localhost:8080 (this requires python 3 to be installed).

The files are generated as index.json but github pages serves them as the root for that path. See Making a JSON API with Github Pages.

If you want to see what it looks like on github pages, you can fork the repo and run bundle exec rake publish to update the gh-pages branch.


All code is licenced under the MIT license.