
PoC of a load testing stress api with kubernetes deployment and cluster

Primary LanguagePython


PoC of a load testing stress api with kubernetes deployment and cluster

Command cli to expose service: $ kubectl port-forward svc/locust-master 8089:8089 -n locust

Deploy Locust to Kubernetes

Create Locust namespace and switch to Locust namespace

kubectl create namespace locust
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=locust

Create a ConfigMap containing locust-tasks folder items

locust-tasks contains your script and dependencies for load testing.

Your script must have the name locustfile.py.

kubectl create configmap locust-configmap --from-file=locust-tasks/


kubectl apply -f k8s/locust-master-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/locust-worker-deployment.yaml

(Optional) Activate HPA

kubectl apply -f k8s/locust-worker-hpa.yaml

Get external IP to access to Locust portal

kubectl get svc locust-master -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}"

Launch Locust portal


Delete created ressources

kubectl delete namespace locust

USEFUL LINKS https://github.com/karol-brejna-i/locust-experiments/tree/master/kubernetes https://github.com/vmallya-123/learn-locust/blob/main/distributed/k8s/master-controller-with-metrics.yaml https://github.com/peter-evans/locust-docker/tree/master/kubernetes https://github.com/jthin/locust-k8s/blob/master/README.md https://github.com/koudaiii/distributed-load-testing-using-locust-on-aks/tree/main