Docker image for unoserver. This image is designed to be used a server as a second container accompanying another Python contain which connects to it using UnoClient.
This Docker image uses Alpine Linux as base image and provides:
Fonts (alpine packages)
- font-noto
- font-noto-cjk
- font-noto-extra
- terminus-font
- ttf-font-awesome
- ttf-dejavu
- ttf-freefont
- ttf-hack
- ttf-inconsolata
- ttf-liberation
- ttf-mononoki
- ttf-opensans
Just run:
docker run -v <your directory>:/tmp/
Docker maps your directory with /tmp directory in the container.
You might need to add the option :z
or :Z
like <your directory>:/tmp/:z
or <your directory>:/tmp/:Z
if you are using SELinux. See Docker docs or Podman docs.
You need the following tools:
A bash compliant command line
Docker installed and in your path
docker build .