Private project where the task was to convert a single chip calculator to a TI Graphic one, by running linux with an emmulator.


Convert a basic calculator into a fully fledged Linux device


Add dtoverlay=calculator-keyboard to /boot/config.txt

Run and reboot the computer.


Create file /etc/modprobe.d/fbtft.conf and add this

options fbtft_device name=fb_ili9325 custom rotate=90 bgr=1 width=240 height=320 gpios=reset:7,dc:0,wr:1,cs:8,db00:17,db01:18,db02:21,db03:22,db04:23,db05:24,db06:25,db07:4,led:12

Add to /etc/modules: fbtft_device

Add to /boot/cmdline.txt fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:VGA8x8

Change /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf /dev/fb0 to /dev/fb1

Debugging and resources

For seeing key presses sudo showkey -s

To open on screen keyboard sudo matchbox-keyboard

Turn on number pad mouse control setxkbmap -option keypad:pointerkeys and then CTRL + SHIFT + NUMLOCK