
Provides a bridge for iOS private frameworks to JavaScript (WKWebView)

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


This is an Objective-C and TypeScript API that provides useful data to widgets running in WKWebViews.

The Objective-C layer provides all required extensions to WKWebView necessary to provide such data, and automatically injects the TypeScript API into said webviews.

It is built around a multi-process model:

WKWebView <-> SpringBoard (or whatever else) <-> daemon

iOS 10 and higher is supported.

Backwards Compatibility

Support for the following older widget data libraries is as follows:

  • InfoStats 2: all functionality provided by the library itself, but no arbitrary calls on e.g. SpringBoard objects
  • Widget Weather: all functionality, via interposing the loading of widgetweather.xml
  • XenInfo: all functionality, implemented in the TypeScript API layer

Current Issues

This is currently only built for Xen HTML to integrate with. Using it in other tweaks really doesn't work right now; it'll lead to at least two instances of the daemon running, and class name clashes inside applications. You'll also have issues with dpkg trying to overwrite libwidgetinfo.js.

However, if Xen HTML is not installed, everything will be happy.


Anything running inside the process hosting a WKWebView is in lib.

TypeScript API lives in lib/middleware.

The daemon subfolder contains everything that runs out-of-process.


This project can be bundled by doing the following:

  1. Link libwidgetinfo.a, liblogger.a and libobjcipc.a to the main tweak .dylib
  2. Add the following to your constructor in the tweak:
%ctor {
    // If WidgetWeather is present, defer to it
    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:@"/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/WWRefresh.dylib"]) {
        [XENDWidgetWeatherURLHandler setHandlerEnabled:NO];
    // Set filesystem logging as required
    [XENDLogger setFilesystemLoggingEnabled:YES];
    // Initialise library
    [XENDWidgetManager initialiseLibrary];
  1. Create a wrapper binary for libwidgetinfodaemon.a, and setup main() as follows:
#import "libwidgetinfo/daemon/Connection/XENDIPCDaemonListener.h"

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    return libwidgetinfo_main_ipc();
  1. Link liblogger.a and libobjcipc.a to the daemon wrapper binary

  2. Link daemon/frameworks/IOKit.tbd to the daemon wrapper binary

  3. Add a LaunchDaemon plist to /Library/LaunchDaemons/ in the end .deb, with the example contents from daemon/launchd.plist.

  4. Compile the TypeScript layer:

    • Install npm and yarn
    • cd to libwidgetinfo/lib/Middleware
    • Run yarn package
    • Copy libwidgetinfo/lib/Middleware/build/libwidgetinfo.js to /Library/Application Support/Widgets/ in the end .deb
  5. Generate documentation:

    • Install npm and yarn
    • cd to libwidgetinfo/lib/Middleware
    • Run yarn docs
    • Generated docs are then inside libwidgetinfo/lib/Middleware/build/docs


The Testbed Xcode project allows for running libwidgetinfo in a Simulated mode.

This works out of the box, but you will need to update ViewController.m to point to a widget on your local filesystem.

Third-party Software

This project makes use of the following:


libwidgetinfo is available under the AGPLv3.