
Built a portfolio site to display my projects more easily.

Primary LanguageHTML


Built a portfolio site to display my projects more easily.


  1. CSS
  2. HTML
  3. Javascript


  1. cdnjs for normalizing the font across browsers
  2. cdnjs font-awesome


The following is to improve the readability of the CSS classes in the code.

  1. Double underscore "__" in classes to represent sub-classes
  2. Double dash "--" in classes to represent a modifier class

Notes: CSS Native variables can be changed within a media query

Generally you could make your reponsive design based on 300px+, 600px+, and 900px+ instead of focusing on specific devices. That may change if you have a specific target audience.

Using absolute positioning is far more rigid and makes it difficult to write layouts that respond well to changing content.

Have 2 media queries per section to deal with the layout