
A Workout From Home React app served on Webpack Devserver that proxies requests to an Express backend. PostgreSQL and Node.js.

Primary LanguageCSS


Trying to stay fit is an endeavor that is probably on your mind, but lets face it, it's easier said than done. There always seems to be something getting in the way. Maybe the sports team you're a part of cancelled their next game, or you can't go to the gym for some reason or another, and you would like to workout at home but you don't know what to do?

If that has been you at any point in time, this app is for you. Our team designed this app to people like you and me. To stay fit, no matter where they are, what little equipment we have, and using any device.

With WoFroH, all you need to do is figure out what your goal is and it does the heavy lifting for you.

Key Endeavors

  • Build a Full Stack Web Application
  • Make a simple and elegant design
  • Use React Router
  • Custom Hooks

Tech Stack

Front End:

  • React
  • JSX
  • Axios
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Back End:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL


  • Cypress

The Key Features

Main page

Main page

Main page

Articles section

Muscle Group Selection

Muscle Group Selection

Exercise Selection

Exercise Selection

Your Workout Page

Your Workout Page

Running the projects

You need TWO terminal windows/tabs for this (or some other plan for running two Node processes).

In one terminal, cd into react-front-end. Run npm install or yarn to install the dependencies. Then run npm start or yarn start, and go to localhost:3000 in your browser.

In the other terminal, cd into express-back-end. Run npm install or yarn to install the dependencies, then npm start or yarn start to launch the server.

In the browser, you can click on the button and see the data get loaded.

If this doesn't work, please message me!

Future features

  1. Addtional exercises
  2. User created exercises
  3. Equipment selection component
  4. Securing the backend API