
Simple plugin to monitor date from electric meters and other devices. Installing of monitoring device is required before use

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IOT controller panel extension


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist matejch/yii2-iot24-meter "^1.0"

or add

"matejch/yii2-iot24-meter": "^1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


1. First migrate table

./yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/matejch/yii2-iot24-meter/src/migrations

2. Add to modules in your web.php

'iot' => [
    'class' => \matejch\iot24meter\Iot24::class,
    'apiFile' => __DIR__ . '/../iot.json'//path to json file with api endpoints and emails for notifications

Example of the required file , example iot.json

  "sender": "sender email here"

Available values for device types are elektrometer, elektrometer_chodba, potrubie

3. Available commands for cron

/** load data from endpoints in json file or module parameter endpoints */

/** sends notification to all emails in json file or module parameter subscribers */

4. Web page endpoints

/** shows all donwloaded data from table `iot24` */
/** also shows graph of data from given channels */

/** allows update given data */

/** load data from endpoints in json file or module parameter endpoints */

5. Graphs are using highcharts