Parcel extension

Ability to work with Slovak parcel service with soap API


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist matejch/yii2-parcel "dev-main"

or add

"matejch/yii2-parcel": "dev-main"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


1. First migrate tables

./yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/matejch/yii2-parcel/src/migrations

2. Add to modules in your web.php

'parcel' => [
    'class' => \matejch\parcel\Parcel::class,
    /* change if you use rbac rules, and want to have specific rule */
    'controllerAccessRules' => ['@'],
    /* soap ulr for slovak parcel service */
    'wsdlurl' => '',
    /* xml containing all available drop off points */
    'placeurl' => '',
    /* random key for saving parcel account information in database, file can be also used */
    'key' => '',
    /* array of models that are allowed for creating model maps and packages */
    'models' => ['app\models\Order','app\models\Complaint'],
    'pickUpAddressModel' => '\app\models\Address'


1. Access index and form for creation of accounts, maps, and loading drop-off points


/** parcel/parcel-account/index */
/** parcel/parcel-shop/index */
/** parcel/parcel-shipment/index */
/** parcel/parcel-model-map/index */

2. Parcel accounts


Your accounts

3. Parcel delivery places


Command for loading parcel delivery places exists

./yii parcel/parcel-shop/init

4. Create parcel model map for your models

For creating model map you need set 'pickUpAddressModel' in your module setting and at least one model in 'models'