
ExcelToSankey is a simple web application. It takes a specific input format and transforms it into a Sankey diagram-friendly output.

Primary LanguageVue



ExcelToSankey is a simple web application built with Vue.js and Tailwind CSS. It takes a specific input format and transforms it into a Sankey diagram-friendly output.


1 - Input Transformation: The application transforms input data in a specific format into a format suitable for creating Sankey diagrams.

2 - Interactive Interface: Users can input data in the provided textarea and see the transformed output in real-time.

3 - Epargne Calculation: The application calculates the savings (Epargne) based on the input data.


Go to this website : https://sankeymatic.com/build/ You have to use a format like this one.
SORTIE and ENTREE seperate the flows. You can use subcategories with a "*" before the name. (You still need to compute the sum of the parent category)

Exemple Image Exemple Image

Technologies Used

Vue.js: Frontend JavaScript framework.
Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework.