
Modified MacOS WLAN Drivers with tuned Country Code.


Change your WLAN country code.

Compatible with MacOS X Mojave.

802.11d WLAN country code:

  • all channels available

  • beamforming enabled

  • 80mhz enabled on all 5ghz channels

  • 1000mw max tx power

MacOS (>=10.14.4):

Use Modded 10.14.3 'IO80211Family.kext':


MacOS (10.13-10.14.3):

Disable 'System Integrity Protection' (csrutil disable)

Run in terminal:

US (United States) country code:

sudo perl -pi -e 's|\x41\x83\xFC\xFF\x74\x35\x48\x8D\x55\xD0|\x66\xC7\x06\x55\x53\xEB\x34\x8D\x55\xD0|' /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcmNIC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AirPortBrcmNIC

Rebuild Caches (run Kext Utility.app)