
Python package to identify and annotate crystal structure data files

Primary LanguagePython

Continuous Integration Docs PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version


Welcome to the atomID package! This README will guide you through the initial steps required to start using the AnnotateCrystal class for annotating crystal structures and defects. Follow the steps outlined below to get started.


To begin, you need to install the atomID package. This can be done using pip:

pip install atomid


This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilise the AnnotateCrystal class within the atomID package.

1. Import the Required Class

Start by importing the AnnotateCrystal class from the atomid.annotate module:

from atomid.annotate import AnnotateCrystal

2. Create an Instance of AnnotateCrystal

Next, create an instance of the AnnotateCrystal class:

crystal = AnnotateCrystal()

3. Read the Crystal Structure File

Read the crystal structure file by using the read_crystal_structure_file method. Make sure to replace crystal_data_file_path with the actual path to your crystal structure file:

crystal.read_crystal_structure_file(crystal_data_file_path, "vasp")

4. Annotate the Crystal Structure

You can now annotate the crystal structure with the annotate_crystal_structure method:


5. Annotate Defects

To annotate defects, provide a reference file path. Replace ref_file_path with the actual path to your reference file:

crystal.annotate_defects(ref_file_path, "vasp")

6. Write to File

Finally, write the annotated data to a file using the write_to_file method. Specify the output file name and format:

crystal.write_to_file(output_file_path, "ttl")


Here is a complete example that combines all the steps:

from atomid.annotate import AnnotateCrystal

# Create an instance of AnnotateCrystal
crystal = AnnotateCrystal()

# Read the crystal structure file
crystal.read_crystal_structure_file("path/to/your/interstitial_file.poscar", "vasp")

# Annotate the crystal structure

# Annotate defects using a reference file
crystal.annotate_defects("path/to/your/reference_file.poscar", "vasp")

# Write the annotated data to a file
crystal.write_to_file("Al_inter.ttl", "ttl")


Detailed documentation for the atomID package can be found in docs folder.


Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING GUIDE on contributing to the atomID package.


For any queries or feedback, kindly create an issue on the GitHub repository