
BuzzTicket is a mobile app create to handle the sale of bus tickets. Using the system, the user will be able to keep track of the purchase of your ticket as well as rate the service provided by the bus company and other functionalities.

Getting Started

In order to get the copy of the project up and running on your local machine, run the following command:

 git clone 


To be able to run the app locally, run the following commands to set the environment and install required packages.

Go to the API folder of the project

 cd /path/to/project/projeto1-20172/api 

Install NPM modules on the API folder

 npm install 

Now, go to the Client folder of the project

 cd /path/to/project/projeto1-20172/client 

Install NPM modules on the Client folder

 npm install 

Now, inside of the client, run the following commands in order to install the required packages to run all functionalities of the app.

 npm i react-native-timeline-listview --save 

NOTE: Other required packages needs to be add/installed in this part of the section.


After run all the commands of the 'Getting Started' section, run the following commands in order to install the app on the mobile/emulator.

First of all, go to the Client folder of the project

 cd /path/to/project/projeto1-20172/client 

For Android mobile/emulator:

 react-native run-android  

For IOS mobile/emulator:

 react-native run-ios  

NOTE: An Android or IOS mobile/emulator needs to be correctly connected in order to install and run the app.

Running the tests

No tests were implemented yet.

Built With
