
Grapple is a sample project to showcase how you can maintain a different build variants of your app.

Primary LanguageJava


Grapple is a sample project to showcase how you can maintain a different build variants of your app.

It's useful if you want to keep track of e.g. build for developers, build for your client or a market release build.

Select a build variant and run a proper assemble Gradle task. To make your life easier production and release builds are renamed to match a <project-name>-v.<version-name>-<build-type>.apk pattern and placed in apks folder.

What's more every build variant has a different applicationId so you can have all of them installed on your device. It's handy especially for a client who can have a market version along with a developers version installed on his phone.

In the project you'll find corresponding folders to each build variant which allows to compile only the build-variant-depended source code.

The passwords of your release key and keystore are moved to a separate file which shouldn't be committed for security reasons. Also a sample debug keystore is committed which is a good practise.

The build.gradle defines three build variants:

  • debug - your own develop build,
  • production - can be a version for your client or some internal build,
  • release - market version build.

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