
LibSass (http://libsass.org) starter for projects by Pagepro (http://pagepro.co).

Primary LanguageCSS


LibSass starter for front-end projects by Pagepro.

Built with:

Features Tools Used
CSS Sass (Libsass via node-sass), Autoprefixer, CSSNano, Source Maps
JavaScript Babel, Webpack
HTML Nunjucks, gulp-data
Images Compression with imagemin
Fonts Folder and .sass mixin for including WebFonts
Live Updating BrowserSync, Webpack Dev Middleware, Webpack Hot Middleware
Production Builds JS and CSS are uglified and minified, filename md5 hashing (reving), file size reporting, local production Express server for testing builds.
JS Testing Karma, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon, Example Travis CI integration


  1. node & npm.
  2. SASS
  3. gulp-cli node package installed globally: npm install -g gulp-cli
cd package_directory
npm install


Run development tasks:

npm start

Aliases: gulp

Build production files:

npm run production

Aliases: gulp production

Be sure to look over the installation docs to verify your environment is prepared to run LibSasserPlate. Once you have verified that your system can run LibSasserPlate, check out the extra features available.

Directory structure explanation

  • / - root directory with html files and configuration files (eslint, editorconfig)
  • src - directory with source files
  • static - directory compiled files, do not edit files in this directory because they will be overwritten