
Snake made in C++14 and Qt 5.13

Primary LanguageC++

The Snake

Created with C++14 and QT 5.13.2


Player can set the initial speed and snake length before starting the game. Controll the snake with arrow keys. Enjoy the game.

Game class

Once initialized, the menu window appears and asks for input. No input means using hardcoded values. Game starts when Start Game button is hit.


Variable Description
Board* board The Board class
Menu* menu The Menu class


Method signature Description
startGame() Close the menu, initialize the Board.
quitGame() Close the application.

Menu class

Prompts the player for input. Passes the input for the Board class.


Variable Description
Ui::Menu ui Menu window which appears when staring the app
int time Containts the game time from input
int snakeLength Containts the snake length from input


Method signature Description
void setLength(int) snakeLength setter
int getLength() const snakeLength getter
void setTime(int) time setter
int getTime() const time getter


Slot signature Description
void on_startGameButton_clicked() Gathers input from text windows and emits startGame() signal
void on_quitGameButton_clicked() Emits quitGame() signal


Signal signature Description
void startGame() const Received by Game's startGame() slot
void quitGame() const Received by Game quitGame() slot

Controller class

Controlls the timers which make the snake move and fruit appear.

  • Variable gameTimer contains game elapsed time.
  • When needed, the Controller object stops or restarts the game.
  • When the game ends the object gives the player total score and prompts to play again or quit.


Variable Description
QGraphicsScene* gameScene Scene displaying game objects
Snake* snake Snake pointer
QTimer* snakeTimer Moves the snake with Data::snakeLatencySpeed QTimer* fruitTimer
QElapsedTimer* gameTimer Counts elapsed time.
int gameTime Used when starting a new game
int snakeLength Used in Snake constructor and when starting a new game
static int score Player's score
static int fruitsNumber Containts the current number of fruits in the gameScene


Method signature Description
`Controller(QGraphicsScene*, QObject*, int, int) Initializes the timers and the snake
void startTimers() const Starts the timers
void stopTimers() const Stops the timer
void restartGame() Start timers and reinitialize snake, set score and fruitsNumber to 0
void stopGame() Calls stopTimers() and ask the player to play again or quit.
void quitGame() const Closes the app
QString gameEndMessage() const Shows the total score multiplied by 10
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*) Reads key input from the player
bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* event) override Calls keyPressEvent(event)
bool checkFruitsNumber() const Returns true if fruitsNumber is greater or equal than Data::maxFruitNumber
void CheckCollisions() Call all the checking methods below
bool checkWallCollision() const Returns true whenever snake hits a wall(window border)
bool checkSnakeCollision() const Returns true if snake eats itself
void checkItemCollision() const Checks if snakesnake's eaten a fruit


Slot signature Description
void spawnFruit() Spawns a fruit if checkFruitsNumber() return false
void moveSnake() If elapsed time is less than gameTime, snake is moved

Snake class

Snake is a moving set of points. Its shape is a set of circles painted on the points coordinates. The biggest circle is the head. The snake grows when a fruit is eaten. Is controlled with arrow keys, can move in any direction except diagonal. Inherits from QGraphicsItem.


Variable Description
QPointF head Point containing coordinates of snake's head
QVector<QPointF> tail Vector containing the coordinates of the tail points
QGraphicsScene* scene Pointer to Board's scene. Used to remove eaten fruits from scene
Data::Direction direction Enum containing info about the direction snake's heading to. Initial direction is set to Data::Direction::Right
int velocity Current snake's speed
int xDirection How far can snake go in left or right, set by velocity. Initialized with Data::velocity
int yDirection How far can snake go in up or down, set by velocity. Initialized with 0
int snakeLength Snake's length
int toGrow How many QPointF coordinates to add to tail


Method signature Description
Snake(QGraphicsScene* gameScene, int snakeLength) Set head coordinates to the middle of the gameScene
QPainterPath shape() const Sets snake's shape to a set of circles based on head and tail points
QRectF boundingRect() const Sets a rectangular shape to the body.
void paint() Paints the shape
void move() Updates head and tail positions
bool wallHit() Returns true if head coordinates met a frame of scene
void goThroughWall() Checks which wall was hit by head and makes it appear on the opposite side of the scene
void eatFruit() Removes the eaten fruit, increases Controller::score, makes the snake grow
void checkCollision() Eats a fruit if any was hit by head
void moveLeft() Sets xDirection to -velocity and yDirection to 0. Thus direciton is set to Data::Direction::Left
void moveRight() Sets xDirection to velocity and yDirection to 0. Thus direciton is set to Data::Direction::Right
void moveUp() Sets xDirection to 0 and yDirection to -velocity. Thus direciton is set to Data::Direction::Up
void moveDown() Sets xDirection to 0 and yDirection to velocity. Thus direciton is set to Data::Direction::Down
bool intersects() const When tail contains head it means that snake's eaten itself. Returns true so
void updateHead() Sets head.x() to head.x() + xDirection and head.y() to head.y() + yDirection
void updateTail() Adds a new QPointF to tail.

Board class

Board is responsible for displaying snake, its movement, and furit. Inherits from QGraphicsView.


Variable Description
QGraphicsScene* scene Surface to manage 2D objects
Controller* controller Initialized at the same time as the Board


Method signature Description
Board(int, int) Initializes controller and scene, sets the background

Fruit class

A 2D object inheriting from QGraphicsItem. When eaten, enlengthens the snake.


Method signature Description
Fruit(qreal, qreal) Sets the coordinates to given qreal variables
QPainterPath shape() const Sets shape to circle
QRectF boundingRect() const Sets Fruit's boundary to a rectangle
void paint(QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget*) Paints the shape


Contains all the game's constans used in the code.