Compiling HPVM for Android


Setting up the environment

Set up the following environment variables. You can use as a starting point.

  • ANDROID_NDK: Path to the Andorid NDK (e.g. .../Android/Sdk/ndk/21.3.6528147)
  • HPVM_ROOT: Path to the root of hpvm-release project
  • HPVM_BUILD: Path to hpvm build directory
  • TARGET: Android NDK Target. Passed to clang -target (e.g. "aarch64-linux-android21")
  • LIB_INSTALL_PATH: points to .../app/src/main/cpp/libs
  • INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH: points to .../app/src/main/cpp/include

Patching the HPVM Compiler

After the environment is set up, run the following command to patch HPVM's GenHPVM pass.



The Makefile defines the HPVM compilation pipeline. If the environment is set up correctly, building the library with HPVM code is as simple as running


You can install the library into the Android application by running

make install

This installs example-hpvm-sum.h and into correct folders within the Android application source tree.


Code in this project cannot be executed by itself. It has to be built into an Android application. See for further information.