Movie Tickets Booking

Movie Tickets Booking is a microservice application for reserving tickets for movies.

Required software

Running the application

  1. Create file docker-compose.env with the following content:

Insert your data in it and place it in the MovieBooking directory.

  1. Position terminal in MovieBooking directory and run next command:
docker-compose --env-file=./docker-compose.env -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d --build 
  1. Position terminal in MovieBooking/MovieBookingSPA directory and run next commands:
npm i
ng serve



Identity microservice is responsible for providing user authentication and authorization.

Authentication verifies the identity of a user attempting to gain access to some resource. Users need to enter their username/email and password on login page to be successfully authenticated, and as a response they get access and refresh token. Access tokens are actually identifying user and are sent with each call to some resource and they are shorter-lived, while refresh tokens are used to request a new access token (when it expires) without forcing user authentication once again and they are longer-lived. Here, JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are used.

Authorization verifies if previously already authenticated user is permitted to execute some action. For instance, here, normal users aren't allowed to create or delete movies, while administrators are.

There are two types of roles: normal users or Customers, and administrators or Admins.


Movie microservice is used for data management related to movies. Movies are created using IMDb identifier for particular movie (e. g. for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone identifier is tt0241527), which can be obtained by finding IMDb page for desired movie and copying last part of the url. This microservice relies on two APIs for fetching movie information:

  • IMDb API (for trailer)
  • OMDb API (for everything else like movie title, poster, synopsis, genres etc)

For both APIs you'll need a key, which you can get by registering to said sites. Naturally, only administrators can add new movies.

Users can search movies by certain criteria (by title, year, runtime, rating, genres, etc).

Theater Hall

Theater Hall microservice manages theater halls. Theater hall is described by

  • name
  • terms in which the projection of the movie can be held
  • number of seats

Administrators are the only ones who can create, update or delete them.

It is used by projection, reservations and administration microservice via id and name.

MongoDB is used for storing the data.


Projection microservice manages movie projections. Movie projection is described by

  • details about movie,
  • details about theater hall where the projection of the movie is held
  • date and term in which the projection of the movie is held
  • number of reserved seats
  • price

Administrators are the only ones who can create, update or delete them.

It communicates with reservations microservice via gRPC to update number of reserved seats when reservations are made or deleted.

MongoDB is used for storing the data.


Discount microservice stores coupons for movie ticket discounts. Only Administrators can create, update or delete coupons. Using the gRPC communication Discount microservice sends this coupon information to Reservations microservice.

The database used for this microservice is PostgreSQL.

To create the database follow the instructions:

  1. Login to pgadmin at https://localhost:5050/
  2. Add a new Server with the following characteristics:
    • General:
      • Name: DiscountServer
    • Connection:
      • Host name/address: discountdb
      • Port: 5432
      • Maintenance database: postgres
      • Username: your_postgres_user
      • Password: your_postgres_password
  3. Tools > Query tool
    CREATE TABLE Coupon (
      MovieID VARCHAR(200),
      MovieName VARCHAR(200),
      Amount INTEGER, 
      CreationDate DATE,
      ModifiedDate DATE


Reservations microservice manages customer reservation of tickets for movie projections. Movie reservation is described by

  • details about movie projection
  • number of tickets that customer wants to reserve

Both, users and admins can add, update, delete and confirm reservations on their account.

It communicates with projection microservice (as mentioned in Projection) and with discount microservice via gRPC to update price of the reservation based on discount amount. Also, it communicates with administration microservice via RabbitMQ when customer confirms reservations (described in administration).

Redis cache is used for storing the data.


Administration microservice permanently saves previous reservation data. This service communicates with Reservations microservice when User officialy confirm that he has finished online ticket booking.

Database that is used for this microservice is MSSQL.
