
Angular Library for Solana Wallets

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Sol Wallets

Library for Web Wallets on Solana Blockchain

news on 0.0.19

  • fix: launch wallets only when ask connection
  • feat: setEnabledWallets: choose all wallets you want to use. if there is only one wallet enabled, popup will not be displayed.

This library was generated with Angular CLI version 12.1.0.


Provide a service for using easily wallets on your web Angular project:

alt text

overview of all features:

connect() => Wallet Object
disconnect() => boolean
signMessage( message : string) => signature (as string)
signTransfer( address : string, sols : number) => Buffer
signAndSendTransfer( address : string, sols : number, signedByUser? : CallableFunction ) => signature (as string)
signTransaction( transaction : Transaction ) => signature (as string) => signature (as string)

setCluster( cluster : Cluster ) default = "devnet"
setCommitment( commitment : Commitment ) default = "finalized"
setEnabledWallets( wallets : AvalableWallets[] )
getPublicKey() => PublicKey

autoConnect : boolean


1- Install the library

Open terminal in your Angular project root folder and run:

npm i --save angular-sol-wallets

If needed, install the peer dependencies

npm i --save @solana/web3.js

You may have to add the global variable in prolyfills.ts file

 (window as any)['global'] = window;

And add the following allowedCommonJsDependencies in the angular.json build options file to disable warnings

  "allowedCommonJsDependencies": [

2- import the module

Example in the AppModule:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { SolWalletsModule } from 'angular-sol-wallets';

import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

declarations: [

imports: [

3- use SolWalletsService in a component

Example in the appComponent:
the functions in the component are called buy a click event in the html template

import { SolWalletsService, Wallet } from "angular-sol-wallets" ;
export class AppComponent {
    private httpClient : HttpClient,
    private solWalletS : SolWalletsService

    this.solWalletS.connect().then( wallet => {
      console.log("Wallet connected successfully with this address:", wallet.publicKey);
    }).catch(err => {
      console.log("Error connecting wallet", err );
     this.solWalletS.signMessage("HELLO WORLD!").then( signature => {
      console.log('Message signed:', signature);
    }).catch( err => {
      console.log('err transaction', err );
  makeATransfer( myCompanyPublicKey : string, solAmmount : number){
    this.solWalletS.signAndSendTransfer(myCompanyPublicKey, solAmmount ).then( signature => {
      console.log('Transfer successfully opered:', signature);
    }).catch( err => {
      console.log('Error transaction', err );
  sendTransferToServer( myCompanyPublicKey : string, solAmmount : number){
    this.solWalletS.signTransfer(myCompanyPublicKey, solAmmount, signedByUserCallback => {
        //Do something like puting a loading popup during solana's transfer verification
    }).then( buffer => {
        this.httpClient.post('https://myserver.io/myAPI/makeTransfer', { transferRow : buffer }).subscribe( res => {
          console.log('Transfer successfully opered:', res.signature);
    }).catch( err => {
      console.log('Error transaction', err );

4- options / parameters

Set autoconnect as true on WalletsService make the last wallet used by the client automatically re-connected
(this avoid the user to have to choose again a wallet when making actions with service)
Example of usage in the App constructor :

    private solWalletS : SolWalletsService
      this.solWalletS.autoConnect = true ;
      this.solWalletS.wallet.subscribe( wallet => {
        console.log('the last wallet used by the client is automatically connected without any actions.' );

Choose the wallets you want to use.
By default all the wallets are enabled.

    private solWalletS : SolWalletsService

5- customize

You can customize the style of the popup, like so:
alt text

    private solWalletS : SolWalletsService
        background : "myBcg",
        card : "myCard",
        wallets : "myWallets"

the css:
    font-family: Impact ;
    background-color: darkblue ;
    border : 1px solid black ;
    border-radius: 3px ;    
    color : white ;
    padding : 5px ;
    min-width: 200px ;
    display : flex ;
    flex-flow: row nowrap ;
    background-color: lightblue ;
    border : 1px solid black ;
    border-radius: 3px ;
    margin : 3px ;
    padding : 3px ;
    align-items : center ;
    justify-content: center ;
    cursor : pointer ;
    transition : 0.5s ;
    transform : scale(1.05,1.05);
    background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.75) !important ;

6- production

sol-wallet use devnet Cluster by default In production you can use the mainnet-beta like this exemple in the appComponent:

    private solWalletS : SolWalletsService