
🦘 Mobile app to see your bookings and book a new date and time to jump like a kangoroo at Kangoo Trampoline Park! 🚧 Under development

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mobile app to see your bookings and book a new date and time to jump at Kangoo Trampoline Park!

GitHub language count GitHub top language GitHub repo size in bytes
GitHub code size in bytes Made by Matheus Pires Santos


🚀 Project Summary

This Project was made a Kangoo Park company, with the objective that the clients can see and make new bookings in the app in a simple way.

👨‍💻️ Technologies Used

This project was developed using the technologies bellow:



Code patterns


📦️ How to install the project

To clone the project, use the commands bellow:

  # Clone the repository
  ❯ git clone https://github.com/MathPSantos/KangooPark.git

  # Enter directorycd KangooPark


Emulate in IOS

  # Enter mobile directory
  > cd mobile

  # Install the dependencies
  ❯ yarn
  # Install the IOS dependencies
  ❯ npx pod-install ios

  # Install and start the project
  ❯ yarn ios

Emulate in Android

  # Enter mobile directory
  > cd mobile

  # Install the dependencies
  ❯ yarn
  # Install and start the project
  ❯ yarn android

🤔️ How can you contribute?

  1. fork this repository
  2. Create a branch with your feature:
    • $ git checkout -b my_feature
  3. Commit your branch:
    • $ git commit -m "feature: My new feature"
  4. Submit your branch:
    • $ git push origin my_feature

Made with ❤️ by Matheus Pires Santos! Get in touch or send a email to matheus.psantos2016@gmail.com!