
ASP.NET Core API development

Primary LanguageC#

ASP.NET Core Web API development

.NET Core

We will try to create an API application using asp.net core.

  • Mainly using repository pattern, generics, LINQ, Entity framework core
  • Main business logic implemented in InMemeory Database (plan to use MSSQL DB)
  • ASP NET Identity, JWT Authentication implemented in a separate DB
  • Swagger for API Document
  • API Version
  • Logging (Serilog)
  • API Analyzer added - For proper swagger documentation
  • Model.IsValid is removed in each controller. (ApiController auto implement Model.IsValid)
  • Models, Enums, Context, Repositories moved to Supermarket.Core project
  • xUnit Test Project added
  • CircleCi
  • Standard response for error (400, 403, 404, 500) results (Similar to ApiController model validation result)
  • Global Error Handling
  • Updated CircleCi for code coverage report
  • Local Codecoverage report generation bat file added inside unit test project
  • Role Based Authentication/Authorization Policy Based Authorization
  • Github Actions for CICD pipeline

Next ToDo List:

  • Migrate .NET Core 3.1
  • Dockerization
  • More test cases needed
  • Proper model implementation
  • model to DB


  • Trying to understand best practices. May be frequently modified the project structure.
  • ASP NET Identity: Using EF core code first approach

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