Falli Matches - A Tulospalvelu web scraper

Requires Python >= 3.6


  1. Install the requirements
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Use Postman or Insomnia (or whatever) to GET https://spl.torneopal.net/taso/rest/getMatches. Copy the cookie in from the response ("TASO_palloliitto=....")
  2. Create the file cookie.py in the script's working directory and define the variable cookie. Give the variable the cookie value you copied in the previous step.

Example cookie.py

cookie = 'TASO_palloliitto=...morejibberish...'


$ python falli_matches.py

The script will print the results to the console as well as write a log to the file Falli_matches_log.txt which is prepended to after each run.