
Timer controller for speedrun marathons

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SourceRuns Marathon Official Timekeeper

Contact the relevant people at SourceRuns to understand the purpose of this project.

Usage notes

To be used in conjunction with LiveSplit.NetControlClient and network-relay.

Upon launching, type in the server password. After a successful authentication, there may be some delay in loading up the timer due to the size of the WebAssembly Livesplit core. The timer shows up in presentation mode by default. Double click on the timer text to toggle between presentation and controller mode.

Certain aspects of the timer can be customised/modified from their defaults via URL query parameters. Remember to percent encode the input values, especially for wsUrl. The parameter names are case sensitive.

Query Parameter Input Description
password String Password for server authentication
textAlign left, right, or center Set the text alignment of the timer
fontSizeScale Positive number Scale the timer font size by input
fontColor RGB in hex (e.g. acff83) Set the timer font colour
offset Positive integer in ms Set the command time offset
wsUrl WebSockets server URL Connect to the specified URL

For example, ?fontSizeScale=3&offset=5030 scales the timer font 3 times and sets the command time offset to 5030 milliseconds. This rather inconvenient way of customisation is needed because there is no easy way to do this interactively when the timer is rendered in, say, OBS Studio.

Build and deployment

Start by making sure rustup is installed. Then,

$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
$ yarn build:core
$ yarn install

Decide on the server URL you want to deploy this app on. Then edit the homepage field in package.json and run

$ yarn build

The generated files will be in build. Simply copy the files to the server and you're done.

For development, it may be more convenient to run

$ yarn start