The first end-to-end deep learning model for explicit plane geometry diagram parsing.

Primary LanguagePython

Plane Geometry Diagram Parsing (PGDP)

The code and dataset for IJCAI 2022 paper "Plane Geometry Diagram Parsing".

We propose the PGDPNet, the first end-to-end deep learning model for explicit geometry diagram parsing. And we construct a large-scale dataset PGDP5K, containing dense and fine-grained annotations of primitives and relations. Our method demonstrates superior performance of diagram parsing, outperforming previous methods remarkably.

Figure 1. Framework of PGDPNet

Figure 2. Compare with SGG


  • Complete submission of the initial model (21/4/2022)

PGDP5K Dataset

You could download the dataset from Dataset Homepage.

Format of Annotation

"name": {
    "file_name": ...,
    "width": ...,
    "height": ...,
    "geos": {
        "points": [id, loc(x, y)], 
        "lines": [id, loc(x1, y1, x2, y2)],
        "circles": [id, loc(x, y, r, quadrant)]           
    "symbols": [id, sym_class, text_class, text_content, bbox(x, y, w, h)],
    "relations": {
        "geo2geo": [point2line(online, endpoint), point2circle(oncircle, center)],
        "sym2sym": [...],
        "sym2geo": [...]

Format of Logic Form

"name": {
    "point_instances": [...],
    "line_instances": [...],
    "circle_instances": [...],
    "diagram_logic_forms": [
        PointLiesOnLine, PointLiesOnCircle, Equals, MeasureOf, Perpendicular, 
        Parallel, LengthOf, ...
    "point_positions": {...}

Environmental Settings

  • Python version: 3.8
  • CUDA version: 10.1
  • GCC version: 5.4.0
  • Other settings refer to requirements.txt
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install -c dglteam dgl-cuda10.1==0.6.1
pip install -r requirements.txt

We use 4 NVIDIA TITAN Xp GPUs for the training and more GPUs with large batch size will bring some performance improvment.


The following will install the lib with symbolic links, so that you can modify the files if you want and won't need to re-build it.

python setup.py build develop --no-deps


At first, you should set the paths of dataset in the ./geo_parse/config/paths_catalog.py. Change the varibles of DATA_DIR, PGDP5K_train, PGDP5K_val and PGDP_test according to the location of PGDP5K dataset. The default parameter configurations are set in the config files of ./configs/PGDP5K/geo_MNV2_FPN.yaml and ./geo_parse/config/defaults.py, and you could adjust them according to your situations.

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nproc_per_node=4 \
    --master_port=$((RANDOM + 10000)) \
    tools/train_net.py \
    --config-file configs/PGDP5K/geo_MNV2_FPN.yaml \
    OUTPUT_DIR training_dir/PGDP5K_geo_MNV2_FPN

The training records of the PGDPNet are saved in the folder OUTPUT_DIR, including models, log, last checkpoint and inference results.


Set the path of model weight and corresponding config file to get inference results, and the parsing results are saved in the new folder .\inference by default.

python tools/test_net.py \
    --config-file configs/PGDP5K/geo_MNV2_FPN.yaml \
    MODEL.WEIGHT training_dir/PGDP5K_geo_MNV2_FPN/model_final.pth \

The inference process use one GPU with batch size 1 in default. Due to effect of image resolution in the preprocessing, it has some difference ammong experimental results with various batch sizes. And you could reduce image resolutions appropriatly to accelerate inference while maintaining comparable performance.

Logic Form Evaluation

Considering the diversity and equality of logic forms, we improved the evaluation method based on Inter-GPS. You can evaluate the generated logic forms compared with the ground truth by setting paths of test set (test_set_path), ground truth of logic form (diagram_gt) and predication of logic form (diagram_pred):

cd ./InterGPS/diagram_parser/evaluation_new
python calc_diagram_accuracy.py \ 
    --test_set_path ./PGDP5K/test \ 
    --diagram_gt ./PGDP5K/our_diagram_logic_forms_annot.json \ 
    --diagram_pred ./inference/PGDP5K_test/logic_forms_pred.json
Table 1. Evaluation Results of Logic Form

w/o GNN
All Likely Same 65.7 98.4 99.0
Almost Same 44.4 93.1 96.6
Perfect Recall 40.0 79.7 86.2
Totally Same 27.3 78.2 (+50.9) 84.7 (+6.5)
Geo2Geo Likely Same 63.9 99.1 99.0
Almost Same 49.4 97.3 97.1
Perfect Recall 78.7 96.9 97.4
Totally Same 40.8 93.6 94.5
Non-Geo2Geo Likely Same 67.3 95.8 98.0
Almost Same 49.8 88.2 94.9
Perfect Recall 45.7 81.3 87.0
Totally Same 40.5 80.6 86.4


We also realize the demo script in the demo/PGDP_Demo.ipynb. Because this project has not implemented a text recognizer, only samples from the PGDP5K can be tested at this time whose text contents are set as ground truth. During use, you could adjust corresponding variables in the demo script, such as config-file, weights, MODEL.DEVICE and img_path.

Figure 3. Demo of Parsing Output


If the paper, the dataset, or the code helps you, please cite the papers in the following format:

  title     = {A Multi-Modal Neural Geometric Solver with Textual Clauses Parsed from Diagram},
  author    = {Zhang, Ming-Liang and Yin, Fei and Liu, Cheng-Lin},
  booktitle = {IJCAI},
  year      = {2023},

  title     = {Plane Geometry Diagram Parsing},
  author    = {Zhang, Ming-Liang and Yin, Fei and Hao, Yi-Han and Liu, Cheng-Lin},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on
               Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-22}},
  pages     = {1636--1643},
  year      = {2022},
  month     = {7},
  doi       = {10.24963/ijcai.2022/228},

  title={PGDP5K: A Diagram Parsing Dataset for Plane Geometry Problems},
  author={Yihan Hao and Mingliang Zhang and Fei Yin and Linlin Huang},
  journal={2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)},


The codes of this project are based on FCOS and Inter-GPS. Please let us know if you encounter any issues. You could contact with the first author (zhangmingliang2018@ia.ac.cn) or leave an issue in the github repo.