
Discord clone, made with HTML and SASS (CSS)

Primary LanguageHTML

Discord Clone webapp

Hello dear, to this repository a will explane/deploy my university activity project, for this project i used the follow technologies:

  • HTML;
  • SCSS (that in the end is CSS);
  • Git (to project version control). And;
  • GitHub Pages (to deploy the webapp);

📚 - Purpose of the activity (Project Goal)

Basically a clone of the discord main page was passed as a project/activity and obviously I added responsiveness to work perfectly on any type of screen, be it mobile, television (I think, lol) and several different monitor sizes.

In this project, it was amazing to see the evolution I had in just 2 weeks studying CSS, because, as a back-end programmer, I didn't have much contact with these technologies and, in the little contact I had, I did everything wrong and it was always a DISASTER!

Note: From the little contact I had with responsiveness, possibly there must be some gaffes that I made when declaring the default sizes to enter the media queries, don't mind, I'm evolving this, lol.

❓ - How can I run this project locally?

As much as this project is implemented using GitHub pages, which in this case you can access using the following URL: Click here

However, if you want to run this on your computer, to make changes and contribute to this project, you can issue the following commands:

  • git clone "repository_url" - to clone this repository.
  • git add "files" - to prepare the files for the next commit.
  • git commit -m "type: message" - to add a message to the next commit.
  • git branch -M "new branch" - to create a new branch for this new update you made.
  • git push origin "new branch" - to push all changes

Repository Owner informations