Upload class for huge files. It was tested with a 35gb file. NOT OPTIMIZED IN FRONTEND.
NOTE: This class and README are being redone. Please, wait for more detailed information.
- Add profile: Set the Upload 'profile', for validation during upload proccess:
$profile = array(
"types" => array("jpeg", "jpg", "png"), // which filetypes are accepted
"folder" => "./uploads/", // which folder your files go, for this specific profile, on your local server
"size" => 266000, // max size of file upload
"total" => 10, // total files that can be upload on this input
"vars" => array(), // additional vars that will be passed to frontend and backend
Upload::addProfile('image', $profile);
After that, bind the input name to the profile:
Upload::addInput('image', 'image'); // inputName, uploadProfileName
- Prepare your page: Check this repo for further info: [https://github.com/Matheus2212/js-upload-class]
- Init: After preparation, on your page's footer or end of the route, call:
Upload::init() ;