
To-do List in React JS

Primary LanguageTypeScript



This project implements the Front-End for a simple To-Do List web application, using the React JS library, and also Styled Components replacing pure CSS.
It includes the login page and the general UI of the app.
The login authentication logic and the tasks database for each user are not implemented, since this project aims to be a Front-End study only.




The login page was inspired in this design by Jordan Hughes. The home page was inspired in this design by Mik Skuza.


• Login page, including Sign In button, which redirects to the main application;
• Application UI with navigation sidebar and area for the to-do list;
• Add new task, setting name and categorie properties;
• Delete task, with a modal for confirming the action;
• Check task as done via checkbox;
• Filter tasks showing in the to-do list by "done", "not done" or "all";
• Filter tasks showing in the to-do list by their categorie, via selecting on the sidebar;
• Authorization: user cannot access home page before login, neither login page after logged.

Obs.: currently, the "edit task" and adding or removing categories functionalities are not implemented, since I considered it wouldn't contribute that much to my personal learning, and would be very time consuming. Maybe I'll implement this later on.


If you want to try this project yourself:

  1. Install Node on your machine, via https://nodejs.org/en/.
  2. Install Yarn on your machine via terminal command: sudo npm install -g yarn
  3. Install Git on your machine, via https://git-scm.com/downloads.
  4. Clone this repository to your machine. (more on how to do this here)
  5. Run yarn install on the terminal, inside the folder where you downloaded the project, to install all used dependencies.
  6. Run yarn start to run the project on your browser.