- Projeto criado com base dos dados da empresa brasileira Olist e-commerce, com o intuito identificar clientes que deixariam a plataforma nos próximos 3 meses.
- O modelo utilizado foi o randomforest, capaz de prever com 80% de acurácia quais clientes sairiam da plataforma.
- Project created based on data from the Brazilian company Olist e-commerce, in order to identify customers who would leave the platform in the next 3 months.
- The model used was randomforest, capable of predicting with 80% accuracy which clients would leave the platform.
you can find all datasets here : https://www.kaggle.com/olistbr/brazilian-ecommerce
check also my linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matheus-demoner-08a527134/