
The Elixir project of the Next Level Week 5 by @Rocketseat

Primary LanguageElixir


Next Level Week 5.0 🚀

Project by @Rocketseat

Made with 💜 by Matheus Muriel

Project   |    Technologies   |    Install   |   Commands   |  

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📝 Project

Inamana is a API to manage restaurant products and your expiration dates.
The API send weekly an email for advising which products are nearby to expiration.
With this informations the restaurant manager can be plan your menu for the best utilization of your products.

👨‍💻 Technologies

This project use:

⚙️ Install Guide

Elixir ⚗️

For install the Elixir Language view the official documentation.

Phoenix 🦅

In your favorite terminal type:

mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.5.8

PostegreSQL 🐘

You can install from here: For install the PostgreSQL view th official documentation.

Inmana 📦

In your favorite terminal:

  1. Clone this repository from Github

     git clone https://github.com/MatheusMuriel/InMana.git
  2. Entry in Inmana folder

     cd Inmana
  3. Install deps

     mix deps.get
  4. if your PostgreSQL is installed correctly, create Database structure and migrations

     mix ecto.setup
  5. Open Phoenix server

     mix phx.server

Other commands

  • Open interactive terminal

    iex -S mix
  • Open Phoenix server

    mix phx.server
  • Open Phoenix server with interactive terminal

    iex -S mix phx.server
  • Execute tests

    mix test