Pacman-with-GA 👻

Code from Pacman available at



The possible range for random initialization of DNA weights.
    [a,b] -> a,b are positive floats.


- prob_of_crossover

Chance of crossover occurring. 
    n -> float between (and including) 0 and 1.

- alpha

Alpha for arithmetic combination crossover. Only used when 2 parents are selected for crossover.
    α -> float between (and including) 0 and 1. Choosing 0 means that only the genes from the second parent will be chosen and 1 the opposite.

- offspring_size

Size of the generated offspring.
    n -> positive int (must be less or equal the population size).

- type

The crossover type.
    "simple": replaces only one gene.
    "normal": randomly selects a gene at the k position, and replaces k+1 until the final gene.
    "complete": replaces the entire DNA.


- prob_of_mutation

Chance of mutation occurring. 
    n -> float between (and including) 0 and 1.


- size

Population's size. 
    n -> positive int.

- tournament_to_select

The selected individuals from the population to participate into tournament.
    n -> positive int (must be less than the population size).

- tournament_n_parents

The number of parents selected from the tournament.
    n -> positive int.

- survival

The survival selection type.
    "elitist": merges the offspring with the population and selects only the best.
    "replace": replaces the parents with the offspring.


- iterations

The number of generations to be created. 
    n -> positive int.

- early_stopping_max_iters

Early stopping's maximum number of iterations to check if the score doesn't increase.
    n -> positive int (must be less than the number of generations).


Recreate and run a individual. For the best individual's DNA, run the code, and get it on the "data" folder inside an study's "best.pacw" file.
    [normal],[power] -> the individual's dna.

How to run

This code uses Python 3.10 or newer.

Install dependencies

We recommend you to create a virtual environment for running the studies. On the local repository's root path:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Study's parameters path

Configure the parameters on: Pacman_Complete/params.json

Running the study

Go to "Pacman_Complete" and run:


The PyGame window will appear with the study running and the log will be on the console. Also, an "data" folder containing further study data will appear on the "Pacman_Complete" path with the folder named with the datetime that the study started.