About | Technologies | Requirements | Getting started | Inspiration
This repository contains a monorepo of the Pokedex app.
The Pokedex is an app which the user can view a list of Pokemons, search and view the details of a specific Pokemon. To get the Pokemons data it was used the PokéAPI.
The main goal with this project was to know and learn hot the animations and gestures work on React Native. In order to do that it was used mainly the Animated API from React Native.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
- Expo
- React Native
- TypeScript
- React Navigation
- React Native Gesture Handler
- React Navigation Shared Element
- Axios
- Styled Components
- @expo/vector-icons
- VS Code with EditorConfig, ESLint and Prettier
- To have Git installed to clone the repository.
- To have Node.js installed.
- An iOS or Android device or emulator.
# Clone the repository:
$ https://github.com/MatheusPires99/pokedex
# Enter directory:
$ cd pokedex
# Install dependencies:
$ yarn
# Enter mobile directory:
$ cd mobile
# Init app:
$ yarn start
# Enter server directory:
$ cd server
# Init app:
$ yarn start
- Design inspired by Pokedex App design mabe by Saepul Nahwan.
Made with ❤️ by Matheus Pires 👋🏻 Get in touch!