
Quote editor built using Hotwire in the Turbo Rails tutorial.

Primary LanguageRuby

Hotrails: The Turbo Rails Tutorial 💎🛤️⚡

This project is a modern, single-page, reactive web applications with Ruby on Rails 7 without writing any custom JavaScript code. Built in the turbo rails tutorial: Hotrails.

⚙️ Setting up the project

First of all, you need to install the Ruby 3.0.X version. You can use the rvm or asdf for this.

You also need to install the PostgreSQL server and start it:

sudo service postgresql start

With the Ruby installed, and the PostgreSQL service running, you need to install all the projects dependecies and setup the database:


Starting Redis server

Start you Redis server (you can use the asdf-redis plugin to install it) with the command below to make Action Cable work locally:


Running migrations

You need to modify your database schema according to the project schema:

bin/rails db:migrate

Populating the development database

You can populate your development database with sample data:

bin/rails db:seed

🏃‍♂ Running the project

To run the project in the http://localhost:3000, run the command below:


🖼️ Screenshots

