FastAPI Base Scaffolding

Project Lead : | Matheus Reis

A Simple Scaffold for FastAPI, using Poetry to manage packages dependencies and virtualenvs.


Package Note
Python 3.6+ This project uses Python 3.9 but should work on Python 3.6+.
Poetry Using Poetry to manage packages dependencies and virtualenvs.
Pytest Test Library
FastAPI A Backend framework for python.
Black Python code formatter.
Flake8 Style guide enforcement.
iSort Import Sorter.


  1. All commands are described on Makefile.
  2. to install make, run apt-get update && apt-get install gcc g++ make.
  3. Run make help to get all available commands.

To run locally

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. To initialize and install dependencies, run: make init
  3. Run: make run-local
  4. In your browser call: Swagger Localhost