
Projekt aplikacji backendowej, napisany w języku JavaScript (TypeScript) z wykorzystaniem NodeJS we frameworku Express, obsługującej w ramach REST API podstawowe zapytania dotyczące produktów (CRUD).

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Shop API.

I. About the app.

Design of a backend web application for product data management. At the current stage, basic queries (CRUD) are available as part of the REST API:

  • List of products (GET),
  • Product details - selection by entering its identifier (Id) (POST),
  • Adding a new product (POST),
  • Product data update - selection by entering its identifier (Id) (PUT),
  • Deleting a product - selection by entering its identifier (Id) (DELETE).

The project uses NodeJS in the ExpressJS framework, while also using TypeScript. The data is stored in the non-relational database MongoDB.

The author of the solution is Mateusz Stawowski. An important assumption of the creator, apart from the creative and rational use of available libraries and tools to build a fully-fledged fullstack application, is its compliance with good practices of modern programming.

II. Installation and commissioning (proposal).

After downloading/cloning the repository locally, the following operations should be considered. The first step is to install dependencies from package.json. From the main project folder in the terminal, we execute the following commands:

npm install
npm run start

The second issue is the use of environment variables in the project. Their content has been hidden from Github for security reasons. Therefore, before starting, it will be necessary to create .env files locally and include them in the variables listed in configVariables.js files. For the purposes of verification of the recruitment task, default data have already been defined in this file.

Thirdly, the application works with the MongoDB database. Therefore, you should take care of connecting to a database of this type with a collection called products, but if it is not empty, it is absolutely necessary to adhere to the following single record scheme:

        Name: string (mandatory field, maximum 100 characters),
        Price: number (mandatory field),
        UpdateDate: date (if the date is not provided by the user, the date from the moment of query execution will be assigned),

In the assumptions of the task, the entity also includes its Id. However, this element does not need to be defined by the user, because the application uses the _id value provided by the MongoDB environment for this purpose.

III. Application content - CRUD type operations.

0. Section home page (GET).

- path: {host_address}/products
- query body: none
- expected response (for status 200): welcome message

1. List of products (GET).

- path: {host_address}/products/list
- query body: none
- expected response (for status 200): structured array of objects containing product data (productsData)

2. Product details (POST).

- path: {host_address}/products/single
- sample query body:
        "id": "636e7698a1ae6e05048e2525"
- expected response (for status 200): searched product data (foundProduct)

3. Adding a new product (POST).

- path: {host_address}/products/add
- sample query body:
        "date": "2022-11-11T17:12:21.678+00:00"
- expected response (for status 200): searched product data (foundProduct)

4. Product data update (PUT).

- path: {host_address}/products/edit
- sample query body:
        "id": "636e7698a1ae6e05048e2525",
        "name": "Test",
        "price": 5000
- expected response (for status 200): modified product data (editedProduct)

5. Deleting a product (DELETE).

- path: {host_address}/products/remove
- sample query body:
        "id": "636e7698a1ae6e05048e2525"
- expected response (for status 200): details of the deleted product (deletedProduct)