Simple template to create SPA's with plain JavaScript using Babel, Webpack and Webpacks devserver

Getting started

  • If not already done, install nodejs and a sufficient JavaScript Editor (we suggest vs-code)
  • Clone this project
  • In the folder were it was cloned into, type npm install
  • In the folder it was cloned into (if you have installed vs-code) type "code ." to open vs-code
  • In the folder it was cloned into type npm start, to run the project via Webpacks development server
  • A browser window should now open, rendering the project hosted on Webpacks dev-server. You now have a local web server with hot reloading. Any changes made in your code are directly reflected in the browser (How cool is that?)

Supporting video, related to the first use with the Fetch and Promises exercises given in period2, week2.

📺 Getting started with the Fetch and Promise exercises

Deploy to Nginx

If you have prepared Nginx for hosting this project, you can deploy it using the simple script '' found in the root of the project Make sure to set the values for XXXX and DROPLET_URL first

Using Bootstrap that requires the Bootstrap JavaScript

To minimize the footprint made by this code, it does not include the JavaScript part of BootStrap. If you need it, follow these steps:

  • In the root of the project type: npm install jquery popper.js
  • In your index.js file, add this import just ABOVE the line that includes the bootstrap.css: import "bootstrap"