Dark mode not working!
pol-dev-shinroo opened this issue · 1 comments
pol-dev-shinroo commented
Because dark mode css for tailwind seemed bit messy (like i have to add "dark:" to every dark mode class i want to implement),
i tried to make it cleaner by passing arrays of dark mode classes as props to my styled-components where i use dark function i created to return "dark: classname" for every classnames in the array.
Here are the example:
const dark = (props: string[]): string => {
return props.map((s) => `dark:${s}`).join(" ");
export default dark;
import tw from "tailwind-styled-components";
function App() {
const [theme, setTheme] = useState<string | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (theme === "dark") {
} else {
}, [theme]);
const handleThemeSwitch = () => {
setTheme(theme === "dark" ? "light" : "dark");
return (
$dark={["bg-stone-200", "text-xs", "text-black", "rounded-3xl"]}
className="bg-slate-900 p-4 text-white"
Dark Mode
interface MyBtnProps {
$dark?: Dark;
const MyBtn = tw.button<MyBtnProps>`
${({ $dark }) => $dark && dark($dark)}
When i checked the dev-tool, i can clearly see that "dark: classname" is being added. However, the dark mode isnt working when the button is clicked.
After hours of bug-finding, i gave up.
jahirfiquitiva commented
This might be because of tailwind not recognizing the use of the dark class names. Try adding those classes to the tailwind config safelist, so the compilers keeps them.